Sunday, 23 March 2008

More projects done!

I've finished lots of things this week. Firstly, there was the bag - my mom kindly did the sewing up for me. Above you can see the outside and the lining - very lovely (It's the white 
speckly one with the red velvet inside, if you were wondering) It fits a small knitting project very nicely.

Above there is also a small egg case - I put a creme egg inside for my sister Gracie's easter present. From a pattern in Simply knitting, as was the bag.

Another Simply Knitting pattern is the fingerless gloves, which worked really well. My first project on DPNs. I'm wearing them now, and discovering that typing isn't so easy. Ah well, such is life.

My current project is cell phone covers, and socks. Yup, I'm knitting my very first socks. I was going to try them in the Fall, but I got a sock knitting kit for Easter - beautiful yarn (a little scratchy, but I'm sure that will work out with wearing. So far I've just started the ribbing on the first one.

1 comment:

Monica_Kun said...

Hi Annie,
I just tagged you with a blog meme '6 things you like to do.' See my blog for the meme. Have a great weekend!