Saturday 19 April 2008

Blog meme

I was just tagged with a blog meme by Monica Silvia in this post on her blog:

This is the first time I've done this, so I'll give it a go. The way I've understood it, I have to write six things I like to do, and then tag six other bloggers with a comment on their blog. Six things I like to do, besides knit, are:
~Read. When I find time away from knitting, I like to find a chair, curl up, and get away from the world in general.

~Play piano. I can't stand new songs, but I love playing complex ones that I've got down pat.

~High jumping. I don't get to do it very often, but when I do, I love the thrill that I get when I clear the bar.

~Singing. Especially singing songs that I like.

~Listening to worship music. It really helps me get my priorities back in line.

~Eating chocolate. What more can I say?

Now I have to find six other bloggers. I'm onto it. I'll update as I find them.

Ok - Number 1) Kim at


Kim in Oregon said...

Hi Annie. Thanks for stopping by my blog! One of my students is a pole vaulter...she just dislocated her shoulder and may have to stop. She loves that feeling too!

Monica_Kun said...

Hi Annie,
I also like to eat chocolate and play the piano. Gershwin songs are my favorite. What book are you reading now?

Annie said...

Thanks for commenting Monica!
Right now I'm reading "Gatty's Tale" by Kevin Crossely Holland, because I'm doing Carnegie shadowing at my school.